Feb. 1, 2015
In Our History – As The Bride’s Club was transforming into the Sunshine Circle a second women’s society began as Circle #2, later to be called Dorcas Circle. This group made confirmation and baptism banners. In the early 1980’s Dorcas Circle began selling dish rags (aka dish cloths) as a fund raiser. In 1981 the sale of dish rags earned $14.80. By 2004 dish cloth sales were bringing in $50.00 annually. Dorcas Circle disbanded on September 14, 2006 distributing their last remaining funds to the St. Stephanus debt reduction.
Feb. 8, 2015
In Our History – On October 4, 1960 the third St. Stephanus Circles formed. Priscilla Circle was made up of younger working mothers in the congregation at that time One former member fondly remembers that “Priscilla Circle was one evening that we could do the social scene without any children to put to bed”; m-m-m-m, sounds a bit like the original Brides Club. Originally, they scheduled their meeting for the first Friday of each month and began a devotional study of women of the Bible. Priscilla Circle’s primary service activity was providing refreshments for the social hour following Advent and Lenten services. An annual progressive dinner was a highlight for members. This group met until 2002.
Feb 15, 2015
In Our History – Our 1st Pastor - After organizing as a church, the first order of business was to call a pastor. Reverend Richard von Niebelschuetz had been called to St. Paul by Trinity to assist with the mission church at Grotto and Lafond. The daughter congregation then issued a call to Pastor Niebelschuetz. Highlights of his pastorate included the building of a new church, the purchase of four additional lots, including one at 671 Lafond with a home to be used as a parsonage. He served from 1890 to 1906 when the congregation numbered 127 voters, 590 communicants and 875 souls. One hundred and twenty-five years later great-grandson Jeffrey Johnson and great-great-granddaughter Allison Johnson are still members of our congregation. Son of the congregation, William Wachholz, is also a great-grandson of our first Pastor.
Feb 22, 2015
In Our History – Our 2st Pastor – Pastor A. H. Kuntz was called to succeed Pastor von Niebelschuetz. Pastor Kuntz served from 1906 to 1919. During this time the increasing need for work in English became evident. In 1912 the congregation resolved that English should be used in the day school. In 1917 it was resolved to introduce regular English services every Sunday morning. Professor P. E. Kretzmann of Concordia College was call to relieve Pastor Kuntz of the responsibility of preaching in the English language. In 1915 the congregation commemorated its 25th anniversary. At that time the congregation numbered 198 voting members, 631 communicants, and 1000 souls.